Buy me before i'm famous.
Sell me before i'm nobody.
Or keep me, come dark with me.
And have some sorrow, sorrow finally.
I’m the man who couldn’t.
How could i ever resist a woman that beautifull.
So i didn’t.
I live in her woods now.
At the edge of a melting sea.
And eventhough i know.
It’s a long way back to the trees.
Every night,
i walk the edge of it’s shore.
Looking for stranded desires filled with regrets
and everything i think i need.
Always ending up, sitting on that table,
waiting for it to grow back into her tree.
Carving pictures into wood.
Staring at painted waves of sorrow.
My sea.
My table.
My tree.
My love,
I’m home.
De emoties tussen 2 geliefden, maar dan vooral de meest pijnlijke.
Het in scène zetten en het uitvergroten van de tragedie van de liefde.
Altijd op zoek naar troost.
Dat is wat ik schilder, teken, druk, kras in en op hout, papier, linnen.
En Haar.